Community Support Services
"Americans don't settle. We build, we aspire, we listen to that voice inside that says, "We can do better." A better job; a better life for our kids; a bigger, better country."
The Appomattox County Militia is dedicated to protecting and supporting our community. We accomplish this through community outreach and support services, designed to empower our community members and help in times of need.
The Appomattox County Militia hosts an annual food, clothing, and toy drive in November to benefit underprivileged families during the holiday season, as well as food and clothing drives throughout the year. Through our network of members, we at the ready to assist with the needs of our community members, including but not limited to:
- Emergency Transportation Services
- Emergency Food and Shelter
- Emergency Utility Shutoff Service
- Building Repair and Maintenance
- Disaster Relief Help
- Emergency Medical Assistance
- And more…
Community service plays a huge role in the purpose and mission of the Appomattox County Militia, and our organization’s interaction with the community and our elected officials. We provide additional community service through our assistance to local community festivals, and the Appomattox County Sherriff’s department by providing an information booth to attendees, medical attention as needed, assisting the on-scene Deputies with finding any lost children, parking duties, and assisting with other logistics as needed. We do all of this in an effort to help our community be a better place to live.
If you are in need of community support services, please use the form below to send a request to our staff. Please include a detailed description of your needs as we prioritize cases based on need level and staff/resource availability. You can also call us at (434) 290-0031 to speak with a staff member or leave a voicemail.
Community Services Request Form
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